Homeland Security
Our R&D activities are focused on two equally important objectives. First, to discover and develop new materials for radiation detection that substantially surpass the performance of existing detector materials. Second, to integrate the new materials into detector modules and detection instruments as to rapidly disseminate latest R&D results into the hands of the end-users. The overarching guiding principle is achieving high performance at low production- and ownership-cost.
One of our competencies is discovery of new material compositions and structures and development of cost effective production technologies for them. Our materials research covers semiconductor and scintillator bulk single crystals, ceramics, thick films for imaging plates, and composite detectors.
Instruments & Equipment
We develop the next generation of detection instruments based on the new detector materials both developed at CapeSym and elsewhere to produce significantly higher performance and lower-cost instruments. We also introduce new concepts such as directionality to expand the CONOPS capabilities of modern detection instruments.